
B2B Software Company in Laguna Hills, CA


Altec is a leading provider of integrated document management and process automation solutions.  Its flagship product, DocLink, helps companies connect people, processes and data providing them with the ability to store, search, retrieve and send any document securely. DocLink effectively eliminates the need for paper while automating processes that improve organizational efficiency and reduce costs associated with human errors.  

With thousands of customers globally, Altec enjoys collaborative partnerships with Sage, Microsoft, Acumatica, Intacct, Key2Act, SAP B1, Amtech, Epicor and more that deliver flexible, comprehensive solutions to adapt to an ever-changing global market.


Marketing Coordinator
(Web, Graphics, Email, Social)
September 2019 - Present


As a Marketing Coordinator at Altec, I am responsible for our corporate website, internal customer portal, graphics, social media, and email campaigns. On the internal and external events side, I design all graphics (email signatures, booth designs, company swag, print work, apparel, etc.), create landing pages (raffle pages, training registration, etc.), and produce videos.

Altec is a small, fast-paced company, which allowed me to accomplish a lot during my time on the Marketing team and have a larger impact on marketing decisions. When I first began in the company, there was no previous person in my position which led me to take initiative and self-learn many of the processes, while kickstarting new projects and ideas.

Accomplishments include:

Case Study Redesign and Landing Page Development

Before, our website case studies would lead straight to a long 2-3 page pdf. Since I joined the team, I converted every case study into a landing page and worked with an external developer where I created low-fidelity mockups and wireframes then manually created each page after development. After, I changed our process from creating a 2-3 page PDF into only creating a short 1 page PDF, while the main case study was each landing page.

Email Redesign

Using ClickDimensions on Microsoft Dynamics CRM, I redesigned our emails to have consistent branding and banners with correct aspect ratio, added webinar host images, and marketed our internal customer support portal and socials.

Event Landing Pages

Although there are a lot of positives to working at a smaller business, one of the largest common downside is lack of resources. With no internal web developer, I was responsible for putting out our event landing pages for both external events/tradeshows and internal customer training classes with registrations.

In order to connect registrants to our CRM, we used ClickDimensions on Microsoft Dynamics CRM to create our landing pages and with no coding experience, we were very limited in using the outdated block editor provided. I approached the issue by looking for ways to customize our landing pages and decided to learn how to code in HTML/CSS to better create our landing pages and modernize them.

In a perfect world, it would have been ideal to be able to design the pages and have a developer code them out however it was very important as a team in a smaller business to be able to problem-solve with the resources we did have. Due to the company growth in the past year, we have opened up more training classes and budgeting to begin a new training class development project.

Brochures and Whitepapers

Key Takeaways

With this being my first "adult" job, Altec was a huge learning experience for me as a designer and an employee. I faced a lot of obstacles and felt unprepared for situations where there wasn't anything to fall back on. Although I was a Marketing Coordinator, a lot of responsibilities that I took on were tasks that no one else was trained for or more experienced in which made it very difficult to know whether I'm performing my job in the best way possible. Of course there were also the positives where I was able to fulfill a lot of my new ideas and projects which would have been more difficult to even bring up in a larger company.

It's okay not to know the right answer.
I took on many tasks that I told myself that it'd be okay to just learn throughout the way. In the grander scheme of things, it would have been more beneficial to admit that I don't know how to do something and ask for help versus figuring out a problem myself and adding unnecessary stress onto myself.

Messing up is not the end of the world.
When I first began, I took every little mistake seriously and doubted myself as an employee, when in reality it's perfectly normal to mess up in the beginning. I learned to look at mistakes as a learning experience rather than an indication of poor performance. Obviously there's the costly mistakes like accidentally shutting down a website or setting a million dollar car at $10, but when it comes to accidentally sending out an email a day earlier than scheduled it is not the end of the world.

Take time to perfect work versus getting it done.

Whether it's an internal or external design collateral, it's important to take time in perfecting the work and making sure there's no mistakes rather than rushing to get it done to have it out as soon as possible.